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 Internet Acronyms

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Number of posts : 139
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Registration date : 2006-12-03

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PostSubject: Internet Acronyms   Internet Acronyms Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2007 5:58 am

((To all mods: I don't have the time to read every single one of these. If anyone finds some to be against the rules, feel free to delete them))

Commonly seen wherever people get online--including instant messaging, cell phones, PDAs, Web sites, in newsgroup postings, and on blogs--these abbreviations are used by humans to communicate with each other.
Note: "C" and "S" are used interchangeably for "See" --and-- "U" and "Y" are used interchangeably for "You"

@TEOTD At The End Of The Day
^URS Up Yours
<3 it means: a Heart
143 it means: I Love You
14AA41 One for All and All for One
2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be
2BZ4UQT Too Busy For You Cutey
2G2B4G Too Good To Be Forgotten
2G2BT Too Good To Be True
2NITE Tonight
404 it means: I Haven't A Clue
411 it means: Info
4EAE ForEver And Ever
4ever Forever
4NR Foreigner
5FS 5 Finger Salute
86 Out Of or Over
9 it means: parent is watching
99 it means: parent is no longer watching
A/S/L/P Age/Sex/Location/Picture
AAAAA American Association Against Acronym Abuse
AAF As A Friend
AAK Asleep At Keyboard
AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
AAMOI As A Matter Of Interest
AAR At Any Rate
AAR8 At Any Rate
AAS Alive And Smiling
AATK Always At The Keyboard
AAYF As Always, Your Friend
AB Ass Backwards
ABITHIWTIDB A bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush
ABT2 About To
ACD Alt Control Delete
ACE Access Control Entry
ACK Acknowledgement
ADAD Another Day Another Dollar
ADBB All Done Bye Bye
ADIH Another Day In Hell
ADIP Another Day In Paradise
ADR Address
AEAP As Early As Possible
AFAGAY A Friend As Good As You
AFAHMASP A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted
AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAICS As Far As I Can See
AFAICT As far As I can Tell
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFAIU As Far As I Understand
AFAIUI As Far As I Understand It
AFAP As Far As Possible
AFAYC As Far As You're Concerned
AFC Away From Computer
AFDN Any F***ing Day Now
AFGO Anotgher F***ing Growth Opportunity
AFIAA As Far As I Am Aware
AFINIAFI A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
AFK Away From Keyboard -or- A Free Kill
AFPOE A Fresh Pair Of Eyes
AFT About F***ing Time
AFZ Acronym free zone
AGKWE And God Knows What Else
AIAMU And I'm A Monkey's Uncle
aight Alright
AIH As It Happens
AIMB As I Mentioned Before
AIMP Always In My Prayers
AISB As I Said Before
AISE As I Said Earlier
AISI As I See It
AKA or a.k.a. Also Known As
ALAP As Late As Possible
Alcon All Concerned
ALOL Actually Laughing Out Loud
ALOTBSOL Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
ALTG Act Locally, Think Globally
AMAP As Many As Possible
AMBW All My Best Wishes
AMF Adios Muther F***er
AML All My Love
AMRMTYFTS All My Roommates Thank You For The Show
AND Any day now
ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor
ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different
AOAS All Of A Sudden
AOB Abuse Of Bandwidth
AON Apropos Of Nothing
AP Apple Pie
AS Ape Shit
ASAFP As Soon As "Friggin" Possible
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASL Age/Sex/Location
ASLMH Age/Sex/Location/Music/Hobbies
ATAB Ain't That A Bitch
ATST At The Same Time
ATW All the Web or Around the Web
AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again
AWGTHTGTTSA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh** Again
AWOL Absent Without Leave
AYC Aren't You Clever -or- Aren't You Cheeky
AYCE All You Can Eat
AYK As You Know
AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something
AYTMTB And You're Telling Me This Because
B/C Because
B4 Before
B4N Bye For Now
B4U Before You
B4YKI Before You Know It
BAG Bursting A Gut -or- Big Ass Grin
BAK Back At my Keyboard
BAMF Bad Ass Muther F***er
BAU Business As Usual
BB Be Back
BB4N Bye-Bye for Now
BBB Bye Bye Babe -or- Boring Beyond Belief
BBBG Bye Bye Be Good
BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains By Mattel
BBFN Bye-Bye for Now
BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF Be Back In A Few
BBIAS Be Back In A Sec
BBIAW Be Back In A While
BBL Be Back Later
BBMFIC Big Bad Muther F***er In Charge
BBN Bye Bye Now
BBSD Be Back Soon Darling
BBSL Be Back Sooner or Later
BBT Be Back Tomorrow
BCBG Bon Chic Bon Genre -or- Belle Cu Belle Geulle
BCBS Big Company, Big School
BCNU Be Seein' You
BCOZ Because
BD Big Deal -or- Baby Dance -or- Brain Drain
BDBI5M Busy Daydreaming Back In 5 Minutes
BDC Big Dumb Company or Big Dot Com
BDN Big Damn Number
BEOS it means: Nudge
BF Boyfriend -or- Bitch Features
BFD Big F***ing Deal
BFE Beyond F***ing Egypt
BFF Best Friends Forever
BFFTTE Best Friends Forever Til The End
BFN Bye For Now
BFR Big Fucken Rock
BHAG Big Hairy Audacious Goal
BHG Big Hearted Guy -or- Big Hearted Girl
BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart
BIBI Bye Bye
BIBO Beer In, Beer Out
BIF Basis In Fact or Before I Forget
BIOYE Blow It Out Your Ear
BIOYIOP Blow It Out Your I/O Port
BIOYN Blow it Out Your Nose
BITD Back In The Day
BKA Better Known As
BL Belly Laughing
BLBBLB Back Like Bull, Brain Like Bird
BM Byte Me
BMF Bad Muther F***er
BMGWL Busting My Gut With Laughter
BMOF Bite Me Old Fart
BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass
BNDN Been Nowhere Done Nothing
BNF Big Name Fan
BO Bug Off -or- Body Odor
BOBFOC Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch
BOCTAAE But Of Course There Are Always Exceptions
BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell
BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again
BOTEC Back-Of-The-Envelope Calculation
BOTOH But On The Other Hand
BPLM Big Person Little Mind
BR Bathroom
BRB Be Right Back
BRT Be Right There
BS Big Smile -or- Bull Sh** -or- Brain Strain
BSAAW Big Smile And A Wink
BSBD&NE Book Smart, Brain Dead & No Experience
BSF But Seriously, Folks
BT Byte This
BTA But Then Again or Before The Attacks
BTDT Been There Done That
BTDTGTS Been There, Done That, Got The T-shirt
BTFO Back The F*** Off -or- Bend The F*** Over
BTHOOM Beats The Heck Out Of Me
BTSOOM Beats The Sh** Out Of Me
BTTT Back To The Top -or- Bump To The Top
BTW By The Way
BTWBO Be There With Bells On
BTWITIAILW/U By The Way I Think I Am In Love With You
BW Best Wishes
BWDIK But What Do I Know
BWL Bursting With Laughter
BWO Black, White or Other
BYKT But you Knew That
BYOA Bring Your Own Advil
C&G Chuckly and Grin
C/P Cross Post
C4N Ciao For Now
CAAC Cool As A Cucumber
CB Chat Brat -or- Coffee Break
CBB Can't Be Bothered
CBF Can't Be F***ed
CBJ Covered Blow Job
CFV Call For Vote
CHA Click Here Asshole
CIAO Goodbye (in Italian)
CICO Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID Consider It Done
CIS CompuServe Information Service
CMF Count My Fingers
CMIW Correct Me if I'm Wrong
CMU Crack Me Up
CNP Continued in Next Post
COB Close Of Business
CofS Church of Scientology
COS Change Of Subject
C-P Sleepy
CRAFT Can't Remember A F***ing Thing
CRAP Cheap Redundant Assorted Products
CRAT Can't Remember A Thing
CRAWS Can't Remember Anything Worth A Sh**
CRB Come Right Back
CRBT Crying Real Big Tears
CRS Can't Remember Sh**
CRTLA Can't Remember the Three-Letter Acronym
CSL Can't Stop Laughing
C-T City
CTA Call To Action
CTC Choking The Chicken -or- Care To Chat
CU See You -or- Cracking Up
CUATU See You Around The Universe
CUL See You Later
CUL8ER See You Later
CUL8R See You Later
CUNS See You In School
CWYL Chat With You Later
CY Calm Yourself
CYA Cover Your Ass -or- See Ya
CYL See You Later
CYM Check Your Mail
CYO See You Online
CYT See You Tomorrow
DAMHIKT Don't Ask Me How I Know That
DARFC Ducking And Running For Cover
DBA Doing Business As
DBABAI Don't Be A Bitch About It
DBEYR Don't Believe Everything You Read
DD Due Diligence
DDD Direct Distance Dial
DETI Don't Even Think It
DF Dear Friend
DFLA Disenhanced Four-Letter Acronym (that is, a TLA)
DGA Don't Go Anywhere
DGT Don't Go There
DGTG Don't Go There Girlfriend
DGYF Damn Girl You're Fine
DH Dear Hubby or Husband
DHYB Don't Hold Your Breath
DIKU Do I Know You
DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Damn
DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**
DITR Dancing In The Rain
DITYID Did I Tell You I'm Distressed
DIY Do It Yourself
DKDC Don't Know Don't Care
DL Download -or- Dead Link
DLTBBB Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
DLTM Don't Lie To Me
DMI Don't Mention It
DNC Does Not Compute
DOE Depends On Experience
DOEI Goodbye (in Dutch)
DORD Department of Redundancy Department
DP Domestic Partner
DQMOT Don't Quote Me On This
DQYDJ Don't Quit Your Day Job
DRIB Don't Read If Busy
DTRT Do The Right Thing
DUI Driving Under the Influence
DURS! -or- DUS! Damn You Are Sexy! -or- Damn You Sexy!
DUST Did You See That
DWB Don't Write Back
DWBH Don't Worry Be Happy
DWI Driving While Intoxicated
DWS Driving While Stupid
DWWWI Surfing the World Wide Web while Intoxicated
DWYM Does What You Mean
DYFM Dude You Fascinate Me
DYHAB Do You Have A Boyfriend
DYHAG Do You Have A Girlfriend
DYJHIW Don't You Just Hate it When...
DYOFDW Do Your Own F***ing Dirty Work
DYSTSOTT Did You See The Size Of That Thing
E123 Easy as One, Two, Three
EAK Eating at Keyboard
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EG Evil Grin
EL Evil Laugh
EM Excuse Me
EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In
EMI Excuse My Ignorance
EML Email Me Later
EMRTW Evil Monkey's Rule The World
EMSG E-Mail Message
EOD End Of Day
EOM End Of Message
EOT End Of Thread (meaning: end of discussion)
ESADYFA Eat Shit And Die You F***ing Asshole
ESEMED Every Second Every Minute Every Day
ESMF Eat Sh** Mother F***er
ESO Equipment Smarter than Operator
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETLA ETLA Extended Three-Letter Acronym (that is, an FLA)
EVRE1 Every One
EWI E-mailing While Intoxicated
EZ Easy
F2F Face-to-Face
FAB Features Attributes Benefits
FAQL Frequently Asked Questions List
FAQOMFT Frequently Argued Waste Of My F*cking Time
FAWC For Anyone Who Cares
FBI Fucking Brilliant Idea
FBKS Failure Between Keyboard and Seat
FE Fatal Error
FF Friends Forever
FF&PN Fresh Fields and Pastures New
FFS For F***s Sake
FGDAI stands for Fuhgedaboudit -or- Forget About It
FILF Father I'd Like to F***
FILTH Failed In London, Try Hong Kong
FINE F***ked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional
FISH First in, Still Here
FITB Fill in the Blanks
FLA Four Letter Acronym
FMTYEWTK Far More Than You Ever Wanted To Know
FO F*** Off
FOAF Friend Of A Friend
FOC Free of Charge
FOFL Falling on Floor Laughing
FOMCL Falling Off My Chair Laughing
FORD Found On Road Dead -or- Fixed Or Repaired Daily -or- F***ed Over Rebuilt Dodge
FRED F***ing Ridiculous Electronic Device
FSR For Some Reason
FSU F*** Shit Up
FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
FTBOMH From The Bottom Of My Heart
FTF F*** That's Funny
FTFOI For The Fun Of It -or- For The F*** Of It
FTL Faster Than Light
FTLOG For The Love Of God
FTR For The Record
FTRF F*** That's Really Funny
FTTB For The Time Being
FTW For The Win
FU2 F*** You Too
FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
FUBB F***ed Up Beyond Belief
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FUM F***ed Up Mess
FWB Friends With Benefits
FWD Forward
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYA For Your Amusement
FYE For Your Edification
FYI For Your Information
FYIFV F*** You I'm Fully Vested
FYLTGE From Your Lips To Gods Ears
FYM For Your Misinformation
FYSBIGTBABN Fasten Your SeatBelts It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night
G Guess -or- Grin
G2GLYS Got To Go Love Ya So
GA Go Ahead
GAL Get A Life
GALGAL Give A Little Get A Little
GALHER Get A Load of Her
GALHIM Get A Load of Him
GAP Got A Pic?
GAS Got A Second
GBG Great Big Grin
GBH Great Big Hug
GD&R Grinning, Ducking and Running
GDI God Damn It -or- God Damn Independent
GF Girlfriend
GFF Go F****ing Figure
GFI Go For It
GFN Gone For Now
GFTD Gone For The Day
GFY Go F*** Yourself
GG Good Game (or) Gotta Go
GGN Gotta Go Now
GGP Gotta Go Pee
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That
GL Good Luck -or- Get Lost
GLBT Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender
GLG Good Looking Girl
GLYASDI God Loves You And So Do I
GM Good Morning
GMAB Give Me A Break
GMAFB Give Me A F***ing Break
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GMTFT Great Minds Think For Themselves
GNBLFY Got Nothing But Love For You
GNSD Good Night Sweet Dreams
GOI Get Over It
GOK God Only Knows
GOL Giggling Out Loud
GOS Gay Or Straight
GOYHH Get Off Your High Horse
GR&D Grinning Running And Ducking
GR8 Great
gratz Congratulations
GRRRR it means Growling
GSOAS Go Sit On A Snake
GTFOOH Get The F*** Out Of Here
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Number of posts : 139
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Localisation : NJ
Registration date : 2006-12-03

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PostSubject: Re: Internet Acronyms   Internet Acronyms Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2007 4:31 pm

GTG Got To Go
GTGB Got To Go, Bye
GTGP Got To Go Pee
GTH Go To Hell
GTM Giggle To Myself
GTRM Going To Read Mail
GTSY Glad To See You
GUD Geographically UnDesirable
GWS Get Well Soon
GYHOOYA Get Your Head Out Of Your Ass
GYPO Get Your Pants Off
H&K Hug and Kiss
h/o Hold On
h/p Hold Please
H4XX0R a "hacker" or "to be hacked"
HAGD Have a Great Day
HAGN Have A Good Night
HAGO Have A Good One
HAK Hugs And Kisses
HAND Have a Nice Day
HAWTLW Hello And Welcome To Last Week
HB Hurry Back
HBIB Hot But Inappropriate Boy
HCC Holy Computer Crap
HD Hold
HF Hello Friend -or- Have Fun -or- Have Faith
HHIS Hanging Head In Shame
HHO1/2K Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
HHOJ Ha-Ha, Only Joking
HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HHOS Ha-Ha, Only Being Serious
HHTYAY Happy Holidays To You And Yours
HIG How's It Going
HIH Hope It Helps
HIOOC Help, I'm Out Of Coffee
HITAKS Hang In There And Keep Smiling
HNTI How Nice That/This Is
HNTW How Nice That Was
HOHA HOllywood HAcker
HSIK How Should I Know
HT Hi There
HTB Hang The Bastards
HTH Hope This (or That) Helps
HTNOTH Hit The Nail On The Head
HUA Heads Up Ace
HUYA Head Up Your A**
HWGA Here We Go Again
I 1-D-R I Wonder
I&I Intercourse and Inebriation
IAC In Any Case
IAC In Any Case
IAE In Any Event
IAITS It's All In The Subject
IANAC I Am Not A Crook
IANADBIPOOTV I Am Not A Doctor But I Play One On TV
IANAE I Am Not an Expert
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
IANNNGC I Am Not Nurturing the Next Generation of Casualties
IASAP4U I Always Say A Prayer For You
IAT I Am Tired
IAW I Agree With
IBIWISI I'll Believe It When I See It
IBRB I Will Be Right Back
IBT In Between Technology
IBTC Itty Bitty Titty Committee
IBTD I Beg To Differ
IBTL In Before The Lock
IC In Character
ICBW I Could Be Wrong
ID10T Idiot
IDC I Don't Care
IDGAF I Don't Give A F***
IDGARA I Don't Give A Rats Ass
IDGI I Don't Get It
IDK I Don't Know
IDKY I Don't Know You
I-D-L Ideal
IDM It Does Not Matter
IDST I Didn't Say That
IDTS I Don't Think So
IEF It's Esther's Fault
IFAB I Found A Bug
IFU I F***ed Up
IGGP I Gotta Go Pee
IGTP I Get The Point
IHA I Hate Acronyms
IHAIM I Have Another Instant Message
IHNO I Have No Opinion
IHTFP I Have Truly Found Paradise or I Hate This F***ing Place
IHU I Hear You
IIIO Intel Inside, Idiot Outside
IIMAD If It Makes An(y) Difference
IIR If I Remember or If I Recall
IIRC If I Remember Correctly or If I Recall Correctly
IITYWIMWYBMAD If I Tell You What It Means Will You Buy Me A Drink
IITYWYBMAD If I Tell You Will You Buy Me A Drink
IIWM If It Were Me
IKALOPLT I Know A Lot Of People Like That
ILA I Love Acronyms
ILICISCOMK I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard
ILMURLABITIMMHAC I Like Making Up Ridiculously Long Acronyms Because I Think It Makes Me Hip And Cool
ILU I Love You
ILY I Love You
IM Instant Messaging -or- Immediate Message
IM2BZ2P I aM Too Busy To (even) Pee!
IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion
IMCO In My Considered Opinion
IMHEIUO In My High Exalted Informed Unassailable Opinion
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNERHO In My Never Even Remotely Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IMOO In My Own Opinion
IMS I Am Sorry
INMP It's Not My Problem
INNW If Not Now, When
INPO In No Particular Order
IOH I'm Outta Here
IOUD Inside, Outside, Upside Down
IOW In Other Words
IPN I'm Posting Naked
IRL In Real Life
ISAGN I See A Great Need
ISH Insert Sarcasm Here
ISS I Said So
ISTM It Seems to Me
ISTR I Seem To Remember
ISWYM I See What You Mean
ISYALS I'll Send You A Letter Soon
ITIGBS I Think I'm Going To Be Sick
ITM In The Money
IUM If You Must
IWALU I Will Always Love You
IWSN I Want Sex Now
IYAOYAS If You Ain't Ordinance You Ain't Sh**
IYD In Your Dreams
IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
IYKWIMAITYD If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do
IYO In Your Opinion
IYQ I like you
IYSS If You Say So
IYSWIM If You See What I Mean
J/C Just Checking
J/J Just Joking
J/K Just Kidding
J/P Just Playing
J/W Just Wondering
J2LYK Just To Let You Know
J4G Just For Grins
J5M Just Five Minutes
JAD Just Another day
JAFO Just Another F***ing Onlooker
JAFS Just A F***ing Salesman
JAM Just a Minute
JAS Just A Second
JDI Just Do It
JEOMK Just Ejaculated On My Keyboard
JK Just Kidding
JM2C Just My 2 Cents
JMO Just My Opinion
JOOTT Just One Of Those Things
JSU Just Shut Up
JT Just Teasing
JTLYK Just To Let You Know
JUADLAM Jumping Up And Down Like A Monkey
KBD Keyboard
KFY Kiss For You
KIA Killed In Action
KIR Keep It Real
KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT Keep In Touch
KK Kiss Kiss
KMA Kiss My Ass
KMFHA Kiss My Fat Hairy Ass
KMP Keep Me Posted
KMRIA Kiss My Royal Irish Arse
KMSLA Kiss My Shiny Little Ass
KMWA Kiss My White Ass
KOK Knock
KOTC Kiss On The Cheek
KOTL Kiss On The Lips
KPC Keeping Parents Clueless
KUTGW Keep Up The Good Work
KWIM Know What I Mean
KYPO Keep Your Pants On
L8R Later
LAQ Lame Ass Quote
LBR and LGR Little Boy's Room and Little Girl's Room
LBUG -or- LBIG Laughing Because You Are Gay -or- Laughing Because I'm Gay
LD Long Distance -or- Later Dude
LDIMEDILLIGAF Look Deeply Into My Eyes, Does It Look Like I Give A F***
LDR Long Distance Relationship
LDTTWA Let's Do The Time Warp Again
LHO Laughing Head Off
LHOS Lets Have Online Sex
LIFO Last In First Out
LIS Laughing In Silence
LKITR Little Kid In The Room
LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause
LMAO Laughing My Ass Off
LMFAO Laughing My F***ing Ass Off
LMIRL Let's Meet In Real Life
LMK Let Me Know
LMSO Laughing My Socks Off
LMTCB Left Message To Call Back
LOL Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Luck (or Love)
LOLA Laugh Out Loud Again
LOMBARD Lots Of Money But A Right Dick
LONH Lights On, Nobody Home
LOOL Laughing Outragously Out Loud
LOPSOD Long On Promises, Short On Delivery
LOU Laughing Over You
LPOS Lazy Piece Of Sh*t
LRF Little Rubber Feet
LSV Language, Sex, Violence
LTIC Laughing 'Til I Cry
LTM Laugh To Myself
LTNS Long Time No See
LTR Long Term Relationship
LULU Locally Undesireable Land Use
LWR Launch When Ready
LY Love You
LY4E Love You Forever
LYB Love Ya Babe
LYCYLBB Love You, see You Later, Bye Bye
LYKYAMY Love Ya, Kiss Ya, Already Miss Ya
LYL Love You Lots
LYLAB Love You Like a Brother
LYLAS Love You Like A Sister
LYLB Love Ya Later Bye
LYMI Love Ya, Mean It
LYWAMH Love You With All My Heart
M4C Meet for Coffee
M8 or M8s Mate or Mates
MA Mature Audience
MAYA Most Advanced Yet Accessible
MB Message Board
MBN Must Be Nice
MBRFN Must Be Real F***ing Nice
MFD Multi-Function Device
MfG Mit freundlichen Gruessen
MHBFY My Heart Bleeds For You
MHOTY My Hat's Off To You
MIA Missing In Action
MIHAP May I Have Your Attention Please
MILF Mother I'd Like to F***
MITIN More Info Than I Needed
MKOP My Kind Of Place
MLAS My Lips Are Sealed
MM Market Maker
MMHA2U My Most Humble Apologies To You
MOFO Mother F***er
MOMPL One Moment Please
MOO Mud, Object-Oriented
MOOS Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOP MOment Please
MorF Male or Female
MOSS Member Of The Same Sex
MOTAS Member Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTD Message Of The Day
MOTSS Members Of The Same Sex
MSG Message
MSMD Monkey See Monkey Do
MSNUW Mini-Skirt No UnderWear
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTF More To Follow
MTFBWY May The Force Be With You
MTLA My True Love Always
MTSBWY May The Schwartz Be With You
MUBAR Messed up Beyond All Recognition
MUSM Miss You So Much
MWAH the sound of a kiss
MWBRL More Will Be Revealed Later
MYL Mind Your Language
MYOB Mind Your Own Business
N/A Not Applicable -or- Not Affiliated
N/M Nothing Much
N/T No Text
N1 Nice One
N2M Not To Mention -or- Not Too Much
N2MJCHBU Not Too Much Just Chillin, How aBout yoU
NAB Not A Blonde
NADT Not A Damn Thing
NAK Nursing At Keyboard
NALOPKT Not A Lot of People Know That
N-A-Y-L In A While
NAZ Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)
NBD No Big Deal
NBIF No Basis In Fact
NCG New College Graduate
NDN Indian or Native American
NE Anyway
NE1 Anyone
NE1ER Anyone Here
Ne2H Need To Have
NESEC Any Second
NFBSK Not For British School Kids
NFF No F*cking Fair
NFG Not F***ing Good
NFI No F***ing Idea
NFW No F***ing Way -or- No Feasible Way
NG New Game
NIFOC Nude In Front Of The Computer
NIGYYSOB Now I've Got You, You Son Of a B*tch
NIM No Internal Message
NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
NIMJD Not In My Job Description
NIMQ Not In My Queue
NIMY Never In A Million Years
NISM Need I Say More
NIYWFD Not In Your Wildest F*cking Dreams
NM Never Mind or Nothing Much
NMH Not Much Here
NMHJC Not Much Here, Just Chilling
NMP Not My Problem
NMTE Now More Than Ever
NN Not Now!
NOFI No OFfence Intended
NOYB None Of Your Business
NP No Problem
NQOCD Not Quite Our Class Dear
NRG Energy
NRN No Reply Necessary
NSA No Strings Attached
NSFW Not Safe For Work
NSS No Sh*t Sherlock
NTIMM Not That It Matters Much
NTK Nice To Know
NTTAWWT Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
NTYMI Now That You Mention It
NUB New person to site or game
NUFF Enough Said
NW No Way
NWR Not Work Related
NYC Not Your Concern
NYCFS New York City Finger Saluet
OAO Over And Out
OAUS On An Unrelated Subject
OBE Overcome By Events
OBTW Oh By The Way
OC Original Character -or- Own Character
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ODTAA One Damn Thing After Another
OIC Oh, I See
OICU812 Oh I see you ate one too
OK All Correct
OLL OnLine Love
OMB Oh My Buddha
OMDB Over My Dead Body
OMG Oh My God
OMIK Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard
OML Oh My Lord
ONID Oh No I Didn't
ONNA Oh No, Not Again
ONNTA Oh No, Not This Again
OOAK One Of A Kind
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PostSubject: Re: Internet Acronyms   Internet Acronyms Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2007 4:32 pm

OOC Out Of Character -or- Out Of Control
OOF Out Of Facility
OOI Out Of Interest
OOO Out Of Office
OOTB Out Of The Box -or- Out Of The Blue
OOTC Obligatory On Topic Comment
OSIF Oh Sh** I Forgot
OT Off Topic
OTF Off The Floor -or- On The phone (Fone)
OTL Out To Lunch
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTP On The Phone
OTT Over The Top
OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head
OTW Off The Wall
OUSU Oh, You Shut Up
OWTTE Or Words To That Effect
OZ stands for: Australia
P&C Private and Confidential
P2C2E Process Too Complicated Too Explain
P2U4URAQTP Peace to you for you are A cutie Pie
P911 Parent Alert
PAL Parents Are Listening
PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff
PAW Parents Are Watching
PBB Parent Behind Back
PBEM Play By EMail
PD Public Domain
PDOMA Pulled Directly Out Of My Ass
PDQ Pretty Darn Quick
PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PFA Pulled From Ass -or- Please Find Attached
PHB Pointy Haired Boss
PIAPS Pig In A Pant Suit
PIBKAC Problem Is Between Keyboard And Chair
PICNIC Problem In Chair, Not In Computer
PIF Paid In Full
PIMP Peeing In My Pants
PIN Person In Need
PIR Parent In Room
PITA Pain In The Ass
PITMEMBOAM Peace In The Middle East My Brother Of Another Mother
PLS Please
PM Personal Message -or- Private Message
PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMIGBOM Put Mind In Gear Before Opening Mouth
PMJI Pardon My Jumping In
PNATMBC Pay No Attention To Man Behind the Curtain
PND Possibly Not Definitely
PO Piss Off
POAHF Put On A Happy Face
POAK Passed Out At Keyboard
PONA Person Of No Account
POOF Good-bye, also seen as ::poof::
POS Parent Over Shoulder -or- Piece Of Sh**
POSC Piece Of Shit Computer
POV Point of View
PP People
PS Post Script
PSO Product Superior to Operator
PTH Prime Tanning Hours
PTP Pardon The Pun
PTPOP Pat The Pissed Off Primate
PU That Stinks
PWP Plot, What Plot?!
P-ZA Pizza
QL Quit Laughing
QOTD Quote Of The Day
QQ Quick Question
QS Quit Scrolling
QT Cutie
QYB Quit Your Bitchin
R&D Research & Development
R&R Rest & Relaxation
RAT Remote(ly) Activated Trojan
[email]RB@Ya[/email] Right Back at Ya
RBAY Right Back At You
RBTL Read Between The Lines
RC Remote Control
RE Regards or Hello Again
RFD Request For Discussion
RFR Really F*#king Rich
RFS Really F*#king Soon
RGR Roger
RKBA Right to Keep and Bear Arms
RL Real Life
RLF Real Life Friend
RMLB Read My Lips Baby
RMMA Reading My Mind Again
RMMM Read My Mail Man
RN Right Now
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROR Raffing Out Roud (in scooby-doo dialect)
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLOL Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTGL Rolling On The Ground Laughing
ROTGLMAO Rolling On The Ground Laughing My Ass Off
ROTM Right On The Money
RPG Role Playing Games
RRR haR haR haR (instead of LOL)
RSN Real Soon Now
RT Real Time
RTBS Reason To Be Single
RTFAQ Read the FAQ File
RTFM Read The F***ing Manual
RTFQ Read The Fu*king Question
RTK Return To Keyboard
RTM or RTFM Read The Manual - or - Read The F*#king Manual
RTTSD Right Thing To Say Dude
RU Are You
RU/18 aRe yoU over 18?
RUFKM aRe yoU Fu*king Kidding Me?!
RUMCYMHMD Are You on Medication Cause You Must Have Missed a Dose
RUMORF Are You Male Or Female
RUNTS are you Nuts?
RUOK Are you OK
RUT aRe yoU There?
RUUP4IT Are You Up For It
RX Regards
RYO Roll Your Own
S^ What's Up
S2R Send To Receive
S4L Spam For Life
SADAD Suck A Dick And Die
SAHM Stay At Home Mom
SBTA Sorry, Being Thick Again
SBUG Small Bald Unaudacious Goal
SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist
SED Said Enough Darling
SEG Sh** Eating Grin
SEP Somebody Else's Problem
SETE Smiling Ear To Ear
SF Surfer Friendly or Science Fiction
SFAIAA So Far As I Am Aware
SFETE Smiling From Ear To Ear
SFTTM Stop Fu*king Talking To Me
SFX Sound Effects
SH Sh** Happens
SHID Slap Head In Disgust
SHMILY See How Much I Love You
SIC Spelling Is Correct
SICL Sitting In Chair Laughing
SII Seriously Impaired Imagination
SITCOMs Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage
SITD Still In The Dark
SIUP Suck It Up Pussy!
SIUYA Shove It Up Your Ass
Sk8r Skater
SLAP Sounds Like A Plan
SLAW Sounds Like A Winner
SLIRK Smart Little Rich Kid
SLT Something Like That
SMAIM Send Me An Instant Message
SMB Suck My Balls
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMEM Send Me E-Mail
SMH Shaking My Head
SMIM Send Me an Instant Message
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SNAG Sensitive New Age Guy
SNERT Snotty Nosed Egotistical Rotten Teenager
SO Significant Other (ie., spouse, boy/girlfriend)
SOB Son Of a B*tch
SOGOP Sh** Or Get Off the Pot
SOH Sense Of Humor
SOHF Sense Of Humor Failure
SOI Self Owning Idiot
SOIAR Sit On It And Rotate
SOL Sh** Out of Luck
SOMY Sick Of Me Yet
SOOYA Snake Out Of Your Ass
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SorG Straight or Gay
SOS Same Old Sh**
SOT Short On Time
SOTMG Short On Time, Must Go
SRO Standing Room Only
SSC Super Sexy Cute
SSDD Same Sh** Different Day
SSEWBA Someday Soon, Everything Will Be Acronyms
STD Seal The Deal
STFU Shut The F*** Up
STFW Search The F***ing Web
STM Spank The Monkey
STR8 Straight
STS So To Speak
STW Search The Web
STYS Speak To You Soon
SU Shut Up
SUAKM Shut Up And Kiss Me
SUFI Super Finger -or- Shut Up F***ing Imbecile
SUP it means: What's Up
SUYF Shut Up You Fool
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess -and- SoftWare And Giveaways
SWAK Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss
SWALK Sealed With A Loving Kiss
SWDYT So What Do You Think
SWIS See What I'm Saying
SWL Screaming With Laughter
SWU So What's Up
SYS See You Soon
[email]T@YL[/email] Talk at You Later
TA Thanks Again
TAFN That's All For Now
TAH Take A Hike
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TAP Take A Pill
TARFU Things Are Really F***ed Up
TAS Taking A Shower
TBA To Be Advised
TBC To Be Continued
TBH To Be Honest
TC Take Care
TCB Trouble Came Back
TCOY Take Care Of Yourself
TDM Too Darn Many
TDTM Talk Dirty To Me
TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It
TFDS That is For Darn Sure
TFH Thread From Hell
TFN Thanks For Nothing -or- Til Further Notice
TFX Traffic
TGGTG That Girl/Guy has Got To Go
TGIF Thank God It's Friday
THX or TX or THKS Thanks
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIAIL Think I Am In Love
TIC Tongue In Cheek
TILII Tell It Like It Is
TK To Come
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TLGO The List Goes On
TLITBC That's Life In The Big City
TLK-2-U-L-8-R Talk to You Later
TM Trust Me
TMI Too Much Information
TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It
TNA Temporarily Not Available
TNC Tongue In Cheek
TNT Til Next Time
TNX Thanks
TOM Tomorrow
TOPCA Til Our Paths Cross Again
TOT Tons of Time
TOY Thinking Of You
TP Team Player
TPC The Phone Company
TPTB The Powers That Be
TQM Total Quality Management
TS Tough Sh**
TSIA This Says It All
TSOB Tough Son Of a B*tch
TSR Totally Stuck in RAM
TSRA Two Shakes of a Rat's Ass
TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTG Time to Go
TTS Text to Speech
TTT That's The Ticket -or- To The Top -or- Thought That Too
TTUL Talk to You Later
TTYL Talk To You Later
TVN Thank You Very Much
TWHAB This Won't Hurt A Bit
TWIMC To Whom it may Concern
TWIWI That Was Interesting, Wasn't It
TXS Thanks
TY Thank You
TYVM Thank You Very Much
U You
U2 You Too
UBS Unique Buying State
U-L You Will
unPC unPolitically Correct
UPOD Under Promise Over Deliver
UR You Are
URAPITA You Are A Pain In The Ass
URWS You Are Wise
URYY4M You Are Too Wise For Me
USP Unique Selling Proposition
VBG Very Big Grin
VBS Very Big Smile
VC Venture Capital
VEG Very Evil Grin
VFM Value For Money
VM Voice Mail
VRBS Virtual Reality Bull Sh**
VSF Very Sad Face
W/O Without
WAD Without A Doubt
WAFM What A F***ing Mess
WAG Wild Ass Guess
WAI What An Idiot
WAMBAM Web Application Meets Brick And Mortar
WAYD What Are You Doing
WAYN Where Are You Now
WB Welcome Back -or- Write Back
WBS Write Back Soon
WC Who Cares
WCA Who Cares Anyway
WDALYIC Who Died And Left You In Charge
WDR With Due Respect
WDYS What Did You Say
WDYT What Do You Think
WE Whatever
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
WETSU We Eat This Sh** Up
WF Way Fun
WFM Works For Me
WG Wicked Grin
WGAFF Who Gives A Flying F***
WIBNI Wouldn't It Be Nice If
WIIFM What's In It For Me
WIP Work In Process
WISP Winning Is So Pleasureable
WIT Wordsmith In Training
WITFITS What In The F*** Is This Sh**
WITW What In The World
WIU Wrap It Up
WKEWL Way Cool
WNOHGB Were No One Has Gone Before
WOG Wise Old Guy
WOMBAT Waste Of Money, Brains And Time
WOOFYS Well Off Older Folks
WOP With Out Papers
WRT With Regard To or With Respect To
WT Without Thinking -or- What The -or- Who The
WTB Want To Buy
WTF What The F***
WTG Way To Go
WTGP Want To Go Private
WTH What the Heck
WTMI Way Too Much Information
WTSDS Where The Sun Don't Shine
WTTM Without Thinking To Much
WU What's Up
WUF Where You From
WWSD What Would Satan Do
WWY Where Were You
WX Weather
WYCM Will You Call Me
WYP What's Your Problem
WYRN What's Your Real Name
WYS Whatever You Say
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
WYSLPG What You See Looks Pretty Good
WYT Whatever You Think
WYWH Wish You Were Here
X-I-10 Exciting
XME Excuse Me
XOXO Hugs and Kisses
YA Yet Another
YA yaya Yet Another Ya-Ya (as in yo-yo)
YACC Yet Another Calendar Company
YAFIYGI You Asked For It You Got It
YBF You've Been F***ed
YBS You'll Be Sorry
YCT Your Comment To
YDKM You Don't Know Me
YEPPIES Young Experimenting Perfection Seekers
YGBK You Gotta Be Kidding
YGBSM You Gotta Be Sh**ing Me
YHM You Have Mail
YIC Yours In Christ
YKW You Know What
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YNK You Never Know
YOYO You're On Your Own
YR Yeah Right
YRYOCC You're Running on Your Own Cookoo Clock
YSYD Yeah, Sure You Do
YTTT You Telling The Truth
YUPPIES Young Urban Professionals
YW You're Welcome
YWIA You're Welcome In Advance
YYSSW Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired
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Lady kayko3
Lady kayko3

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PostSubject: Re: Internet Acronyms   Internet Acronyms Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2007 4:37 pm

((KOOL. is ghost coming back or what))
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