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 Anime And Manga Forum Rules

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Number of posts : 296
Age : 31
Localisation : KY
Registration date : 2006-12-01

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PostSubject: Anime And Manga Forum Rules   Anime And Manga Forum Rules Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2007 10:10 am

study Anime And Manga Forum Rules study
Very Happy What's Allowed Very Happy

These forum are for chatting of anime and manga stuff. For people who don't know, Anime is Japanese animation. And Manga is Japanese comics. However I just watch shows, I don't read the comics. This include Dragon Ball Z, Tinchi Muyo, Yu Yu Haku Show, and more. We allow you to draw and post up your pictures you have made. However if you want to see who has the best picture or enter yours in the comitition, please vist the 'Anime Contest' sticky. However you can make topics just to show all your pictures. Don't worry, we won't count it as spam. Not only is this for pictures, it's also talking about your favorite shows and why you like anime/manga. So it's not all about drawings.

No What's Not Allowed No
No adult content such as Hentai. For people who don't know Hentai is anime porn. Pretty obvious I don't need to give and example. You can only post one topic of just your pictures. However you can post other topics about other things. But I reccommend making the topics into one.

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